The 2023 SAS Summer Reading List is now available. There are close to 60 offerings from your teachers, coaches, and mentors with a brief description of each book. All books include a link to Amazon for easy ordering. The selection is varied from both fiction and nonfiction. Students are required to read two books from the list. The photo above is just a small sampling of the books being offered.
At the top of the list, you will see a letter from Mrs. Hurtt, Dean of Teaching and Learning. She encourages you to "read as much as you can for fun and enjoyment." Summer break allows you time to read various genres you may not get to during the school year
On Friday, September 8th, you will gather for what has become an afternoon (two sessions) of "book talks." This is where you will meet with the host of your book group along with other students who have selected the same title. Later this summer, you will receive a request to fill out a google form, indicating what two book groups you would like to join. Please select books you have read and are prepared to discuss with the group.
Don't limit yourselves to what is on the summer reading list. Perhaps you enjoy poetry, graphic novels, periodicals; anything that will expand your mind.
Here's hoping you have a relaxing, fun-filled summer, with lots of time for reading.