Our current displays might pique your interest - come on in, take a look and check out a book!
Small Classics - Want to read a classic but are daunted by its length? Try a short novel and feel well-read! John Steinbeck's The Red Pony, Edith Wharton's The Marne, Henry Jame's Washington Square, George Elliot's Silas Marner - among others - all fit the bill.
Featured Author: Ha Jin - A writer whose use of "plain, unadorned English prose ... explore[s] the tension between the individual and the family, the modern and the traditional, and personal feelings and duty." Author of National Book Award winner Waiting, War Trash, The Crazed, and more.
Little Literary Musings - from around the world, tiny novels with big themes.
It's a New Year! - "How to..." do just about anything! Both fiction and non-fiction titles offering up knowledge, such as How to Breathe Underwater, How to be Lost, How to be a Woman, How to Lose a Battle, How to Succeed in the Game of Life and many, many more.
Regional Lit: The Far East - last month we looked at The American West; this time we're moving around to the other side of the world, displaying fiction with a Far East setting.
Outsized Personalities - Latest biographies from the New Non-Fiction shelves - Charles Manson, Henry Ford, Whitey Bulger, Albert Einstein, Adolf Hitler, Henry Milk.