On Tuesday evening, April 26th, the final library trivia of the school year was held. In normal times this event would have taken place in the reference room of the library. During a pandemic, trivia was held under a tent located near the Genereaux Aquatic Center. Also important to mention here, this was the first in-person trivia event to take place this year. All other match-ups were held on Zoom where students played with members of their own cohort.
Created and hosted by library assistant Jenn Wilson '03, participants played for four rounds but in the end a tie-breaker question was needed to determine a winner. The question? "How many words are there in Herman Melville's book, Moby Dick?" The team with the closest number without going over answered 210,000 - the correct response is 212,758. Congratulations to the senior team comprised of Christine Chen, Piper Jackman, and Nicholas Lampietti - Team Knights of the AV Club!