"Moved the furniture in the room"

Emily Pressman

Prior to spring break, Dean of Teaching and Learning, Emily Pressman, made an announcement at school meeting encouraging the community to "pick up a book and get reading." 

Emily acknowledged that throughout the busyness of the academic year, reading for pleasure becomes almost non-existent. She told the audience, "all the evidence shows that the best way to get back to it is just...to read." 

Emily went on to share a quote from one of her college professors who asked of their students to share a book that for them "moved the furniture in the room," meaning "everything looked a little different for you after you read that book."  "Maybe it's a book that you loved or moved you, or a book that disturbed you or got you fired up, maybe it was a book that has stayed with you and you keep thinking about it - or maybe it's one that was just plain FUN, or you couldn't wait to get back to reading it." These call all move the furniture in your room.

Follow this link to see the running list of books from members of our community that responded to Emily's invitation to share.