There's a new addition to the St. Andrew's Archives. Former science teacher, baseball, and football coach and athletic director Bob Colburn, was kind enough to share his 50+ years of memories with us.
Bob recently brought his many football and baseball scrapbooks to campus, allowing us to enrich our growing collection. Photos, local newspaper articles, as well as articles from The Cardinal were scanned to share with our archive enthusiasts.
Bob taught Physics and Chemistry and coached football and baseball to hundreds of students, making very few alumni unaware of the legendary Bob Colburn.
Bob, his wife, Dottie, and their three children, Rob '80, Bruce '82 and Clair '87, lived on the residential side of campus. All three children were tremendous athletes while students at St. Andrew's.
Click on the link above to view and enjoy this wonderful gift.
(In the photo above, Bob Colburn is seated on the right, while Larry Walker is seated on the left.)