Izzy asked us if we could display some titles that were "not so sad," and we were delighted to try! So on the floor this month we have Positively Good Reads - titles offering fun or calm, and always a happy ending, for instance Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, The Eyre Affair, To Rise Again at a Decent Hour, All Creatures Great and Small, for starters. There are a lot of terrific "not sad" reads out there - and in here! Then after rediscovering All Creatures Great and Small, we were put in mind of how not-sad animals make us feel, so next on the floor are Animal Titles -for example: Snapper, Beatrice & Vergil, Gould's Book of Fish - an animal might be the narrator, the protagonist, the obsession or just the subject of the cover in these tales. Mysteries aren't particularly sad - they can make us a little jumpy, but that can be exhilerating - both classic and new titles here, from Wilkie Collin's to Robert Galbraith (i.e. JK Rowling!). The opposite reaction to a sad book? Books That Make Us Laugh! - whether silly, satirical, whimsical - these displayed titles might make you laugh, too! And lastly, Haruki Murakami is our featured author of these titles in the Library's collection. See you soon!