The Irene duPont Library has been very busy these past couple of weeks! History students are diligently working on their research papers, gathering their primary sources, scouring our catalog and databases for topical information and requesting books to be ordered through inter-library loan.
On any given day you will see students from Mrs. Tower's AS World War and AS Atomic classes, Ms. Pressman's AS Race, Mr. Gilheany's AS Modern Middle East and Mr. McAuliffe's AS Rome all hunkering down with their laptops going down that rabbit hole called research.
The librarians love this time of year; getting to work with students on a one on one basis to help them narrow down their topics, exposing them to databases and other ways to approach writing their papers. This is such an important teaching moment for the librarians to help students find the information, choose the most relevant resources and to critically evaluate those resources and finally to understand the importance of citing and citations, all tools necessary to take to the next level.