The 2021 St. Andrew's School Summer Reading and Enrichment pages can be found here. Under the Summer Reading List tab you will find over 50 recommendations from SAS faculty with descriptions of the books as well as links to Amazon for easy ordering. Students are to choose three books from this list - there is no all-school read this summer. You will find a wide range of both fiction and non-fiction books to choose from.
With all of these great suggestions by your teachers, advisors, and mentors, we know you'll want to read more than three. To that end, many of the suggested titles are available in the school's OverDrive library. If there is a book you would like to read digitally and you are unable to locate an OverDrive copy, please email the library and we will do our best to purchase one for you. If you have any questions regarding the 2021 Summer Reading List or looking for more recommendations, please do not hesitate to contact the library (library@standrews-de.org or 302-285-4256).
A couple of suggestions as you begin your summer reading: always carry a book with you, you never know when you have a few moments to read and read every day. Perhaps give up a few moments of scrolling through Instagram or Facebook and read instead.
Upon your return in September, the faculty will lead book discussion groups on the books they recommended. A fun way to get to know a faculty member and perhaps other students you wouldn't normally get to know.
The list of texts for the Senior Exhibition Project can be found by scrolling to the bottom of this page.
Happy Summer! Happy Reading!