Dear Students and SAS Community,
The 2024 Summer Reading list has been published. There are close to 50 offerings from your teachers, coaches, and mentors with a brief description of each book. You will see a selection of both fiction and nonfiction. All students are required to read at least two books from this list. All books include a link to Amazon for easy ordering, but the fun as we all know, is to browse in a bookstore or a local library.
Please read thoroughly the letter from Mrs. Hurtt and Ms. Pressman that appears at the top of the page as it contains important information. We understand students do not have a lot of time during the academic year to delve into pleasure reading - this is your chance!
At the bottom of their letter, you will see a link to Mr. Tower's Math letter to ALL students. Please be sure to click on this link, it too contains important information regarding summer work.
Later this summer, students will receive a google form where you will indicate what books you have read. Please be sure to submit selections that you have actually read and are prepared to share in your group's discussion. On Friday, September 6th, the afternoon blocks are set aside for book talks. You will meet with your host and students who have selected the same book for approximately 45 minutes to discuss.
Please read broadly and widely this summer. Don't limit yourselves to what is on the summer reading list. Perhaps you enjoy poetry, graphic novels, periodicals; anything that will expand your mind.
If you have any questions about the summer reading list, please reach out to lmyers@standrews-de.org or library@standrews-de.org.
Here's hoping you have a relaxing, fun-filled summer, with lots of time for reading and we look forward to seeing you in September!