The summer 2018 reading and enrichment pages can be found here. Under the required reading tab you will find over 50 recommendations from SAS faculty with their descriptions and why those books are some of their favorites. There are direct links to Amazon as well for easy ordering. From those selections you are to choose two books. The two books you received prior to leaving for summer vacation, Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward (who will be visiting campus next spring!) and Mindset by Carol Dweck are required reading making a total of four books to be read over the summer.
As Mrs. Roach says in her letter, "Of course, you don't have to limit yourself to reading just four books this summer, we hope that you find lots of interesting books on this list and will read well beyond four books."
Under the summer enrichment tab, are suggestions for reading and viewing by your teachers and their various disciplines. Please check this page from time to time as it will be updated.
If you encounter any difficulty with the summer reading pages, please email: library@standrews-de.org.
Enjoy your summer and we look forward to seeing you in early September!