The summer 2019 reading and enrichment pages can be found here. Under the required reading tab you will find over 50 recommendations from SAS faculty with their descriptions and why those books are some of their favorites. There are direct links to Amazon as well for easy ordering. From those selections you are to choose two books. The book you received prior to leaving for summer vacation, TransAtlantic by Colum McCann (who will be visiting campus next year!) are required reading making a total of three books to be read over the summer. Other books have been selected as suggested reads as their authors will be visiting campus next year as well. Professor David Blight's, Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom, and Richard Blanco's The Prince of Los Cocuyos and Looking for the Gulf Motel.
Under the summer enrichment tab, are suggestions for reading and viewing by your teachers and their various disciplines. Please check this page from time to time as it will continue to be updated throughout the summer. If you encounter any difficulty with the summer reading pages, please email: library@standrews-de.org. Don't forget...many of the recommended titles can be found in the library's OverDrive digital library, designed to make your reading convenient!
Mrs. Roach has some great ideas in regards to good reading habits: "Read every day. Carry a book with you. Keep a book by your bed. Substitute a half hour of Netflix or Facebook or computer games every day, with a half hour of reading. Absorb yourself in your reading material."
Enjoy your summer and we look forward to seeing you in early September!