Welcome Back to Campus!
While the librarians continue to work remotely, here are a few things you need to know:
We are available to assist you in every way. The online chat service you can access from the library's main webpage at all times (if we don't respond immediately, please leave a message) email library@standrews-de.org, or contact us to set up a zoom meeting. Please know that while you don't physically see us, we are here for you.
Unfortunately, for right now, the book stacks are closed to patrons. However, if there is a book you wish to borrow, please fill out this form with the requisite information and we'll do our utmost to see the book(s) are delivered to you in a timely manner.
This link will lead you to a very important virtual guide that includes many of the resources the library has to offer. This includes tutorials on how to navigate the various online databases from the library's collection, how to access library materials from off campus, how to use the catalog and to access your very own library account, and a how to on the interlibrary loan process. This guide is your virtual handbook to the library and will be very helpful once you begin the research process for your classes.
Again, we are available for collaboration, research assistance and help with digital content. If our situation should change, we will be sure to make you aware.