Most everyone has their stack of books. Your stack might include books you are currently reading as well as your "to be read" books; and some may just simply be separated by fiction and nonfiction.
Over the course of the next few weeks, featured right here, will be photos from various members of the SAS community's stack of books. In the photo above is Head of School Joy McGrath's current reading situation. Joy's pile of fiction lets her slip away from the complexities of overseeing a residential school full of energetic teens.
In the current climate of reading platforms, e.g. kindles, ebook apps, audiobooks, (all ways to access your reading material quickly and easily), Irene duPont Library patrons much prefer paper. There's something so satisfying in that tactile feedback of turning a page.
Send a photo of your stack to: library@standrews-de.org and it will be featured on this very page!