Library Blog - December 1969

Sam Fox '14 Reviews - Antifragile

Antifragile makes a lot of controversial claims. Written by an economist who came to the conclusion that economics was a bunch of baloney, Antifragile...

The Seniors Favorite Literary Items

We were curious about what  the Class of 2013 loves in terms of literary items,  so we created a survey to find out!  We're excited to learn the range...

April is Poetry Month

Poetry is in the air!  Well, in any case, it's on the internet!  We've found some great resources that will help you explore your inner poet, read...

On the Floor: 10 Years After

In acknowledging the 10-year anniversary of the American invasion of Iraq, we've pulled together some books - fiction and non-fiction - that have been...

Just for you....

Here are a few new items "just for you", the SAS student!  Don't forget, we want to hear from you if you have a recommendation for a new technology...

From the Archives

Browse through our latest collection to the archives - Admissions Catalogs. Search for items like photos of your favorite faculty, the school calendar...

American National Biography

"The life of a nation is told by the lives of its people..."  A tremendous biographical resource, ANB offers high-quality portraits of men and women...

On the Floor

Can't Put it Down: Narrative Non-Fiction - Accounts that will pique your interest and keep you reading - these are journalistic stories you just...

Want to write a review?

Want to tell the world about a book you love?  Or want to set the reviewers straight about one you didn't like? With the Library's new Griffin Catalog...